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Profession of the Doctor

Profession of the Doctor

A doctor is a specialist with a complete higher medical education who, in accordance with the procedure established by law, is constantly engaged in the maintenance or restoration of human health through prevention (prevention), recognition (diagnosis) and treatment of diseases and injuries. The profession of “doctor” is regulated in Ukraine, which is confirmed by the provisions of the laws of Ukraine, bylaws. The Ukraine Supreme Legal Council is the national registration body that regulates the procedure for access to the profession in Ukraine. As of today, registration at the USLC and receiving professional education are required to master the profession of “doctor”.


Medical education in Ukraine is an integral part of the national education and health care system, which is a necessary step to gain access to the medical profession. The structure of education in Ukraine includes: incomplete higher education, higher education, complete higher education, postgraduate education. After the adoption of the Bologna Process, Ukraine reformed its education system, thus adapting it to the standards of the European Union. At present, the training of specialists in the field of health care takes place in higher medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions of I-IV levels of accreditation.

The structure of higher medical education in Ukraine is based on the education systems of advanced countries in accordance with the recommendations of the EU, UNESCO, UN and other international organizations. As an integral part of the Ukrainian educational system, higher medical education in Ukraine is regulated by the Law on Higher Education, the Regulation on Specialization (Internship) and the Regulation on Clinical Residency.

Obtaining medical education at certain levels of higher education involves the successful implementation of the relevant educational program, is the basis for awarding the appropriate degree of higher education, and is carried out on a four-level system of educational institutions and provides quality training with further qualification levels such as junior medical specialist , Master of Medicine (Pharmacy).

Junior medical specialist is an educational and qualification level of a specialist who on the basis of complete general secondary education has acquired general cultural training, special skills and knowledge, has some experience in their application to solve typical professional tasks for relevant positions in a particular sector of the economy. The educational and professional training program for junior specialists is implemented, as a rule, by higher educational institutions of the I level of accreditation. A higher educational institution of a higher level of accreditation may train junior specialists, if it includes a higher educational institution of the I level of accreditation or a corresponding structural subdivision (2-3 years).

Bachelor – educational qualification level of higher education of a person who on the basis of complete general secondary education has acquired basic higher education, fundamental and special skills and knowledge of the generalized object of work (activity), sufficient to perform tasks and responsibilities (works) of a certain level of professional activity provided for primary positions in a particular type of economic activity. The state order for preparation of bachelors is given, as a rule, to higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation.

Specialist – the educational and qualification level of higher education of a person who on the basis of the educational and qualification level “bachelor” has obtained a complete higher education, special skills and knowledge sufficient to perform tasks and responsibilities (works) of a certain level of professional activity. positions in a particular type of economic activity. The normative term of study in the specialty is determined by educational and professional programs, but cannot be less than 5-6 years.

Master of Medicine (Pharmacy) is a completed educational and qualification level of a specialist who, on the basis of a complete higher medical (pharmaceutical) education or on the basis of a bachelor’s degree, has acquired in-depth general cultural, socio-legal and special knowledge and skills. I (pharmacy) and defended a master’s thesis at the Academic Council of a higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institution (faculty). 

A person who has successfully completed the relevant educational program and passed the certification is issued a document on higher medical education at the appropriate levels. An integral part of the bachelor’s and master’s degree is the appendix to the European diploma, which contains structured information about the completed studies.

Higher education can be obtained in higher educational institutions (HEIs) of a certain level of accreditation. Applicants must have completed secondary education or a junior specialist / bachelor’s degree in order to be able to obtain a higher medical education. To receive postgraduate education, the candidate must have a document confirming the qualifications of a specialist or master.

The multi-level structure of higher medical education means that students can continue their studies after completing a certain level of education. Ukrainian medical graduates are required to complete an internship and, if desired, a master’s degree or clinical residency, while foreigners who have obtained a specialist qualification are only allowed to pass a master’s degree or clinical residency.

The educational-professional program of postgraduate training provides postgraduate education (advanced training, retraining, internship, specialization, clinical residency) on the basis of educational-professional training programs for junior specialists, bachelors, specialists and masters.

Thus, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, the educational system covers the following qualification levels: 


Qualification level (documents confirming the qualification level)

Training period

Relevant foreign qualification levels

Postgraduate education


Doctor of Science (Doctor of Science)

at least 3 years

Doctor of Medical Science (DMedSc)

Postgraduate studies

Candidate of Medical Sciences (Candidate of Medical Sciences degree)

at least 3 years

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (дослівно Candidate of Medical Sciences)

Master’s degree

Master’s degree (Master’s degree)

1-2 years (60-120 ECTS)

Master of Medical Science

Clinical residency

Specialist with secondary specialization (Certificate of completion of clinical residency)

2-4 years (120-240 ECTS)

Internship by profession

Specialist with primary specialization (Specialist Certificate)

1-3 years (60-180 ECTS)

Specialist (eg Specialist in Cardiology)

Higher Education

Completed higher education


Specialist (Specialist Diploma)

6 years (360 ECTS) for the specialty “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Preventive Medicine”, “Medical Psychology”; 5 years (300 ECTS) for the specialty “Dentistry” and “Pharmacy”)

* (Including pre-diploma practice (subordination) up to one year)

Physician (MD) or Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) or Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharm Dr.) or Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPh)

Basic higher education


Bachelor (Bachelor’s degree)

3-4 years (180-240 ECTS) or 2-3 years (based on incomplete higher education)

Bachelor of Medicine (eg Bachelor of Nursing)

Incomplete higher education

Junior Specialist (Junior Specialist Diploma)

2-3 years (120-180 ECTS) or 3-4 years (after 9 years of secondary education)

(Literally Junior Specialist)

secondary education

Complete secondary education

Certificate of complete general secondary education

2-3 years

Certificate of complete general secondary education

Basic middle form

Basic Secondary Education Certificate

5 years


Initial middle formation


4 years


Preschool education


Admission of foreign citizens to higher educational institutions of Ukraine is carried out based on the results of the interview and on the basis of consideration by the admissions committee of the university of the submitted documents on previous education. Requirements for the level of success of foreign entrants are determined by each educational institution separately.

Foreigners are taught in Ukrainian or Russian, but recently universities have been actively offering English-language programs.

Foreign citizens who do not speak Russian (Ukrainian) have the opportunity to learn it during a 10-month study at the preparatory department of universities, after which they can continue their studies at the main faculties of higher education institutions of Ukraine.

At the preparatory department, in addition to language training, foreign citizens can also gain knowledge of basic disciplines that are necessary for further study in selected areas / specialties.

Education for foreigners in Ukrainian universities is carried out on a contractual basis. The approximate cost of training for foreigners is from $ 1,000 to $ 3,000 per year and from $ 2,000 to $ 6,000 per year in medical specialties.

Tuition at the University Preparatory Department ranges from $ 1,000 to $ 2,000.

Foreigners to whom Ukraine provides state scholarships under international agreements, state programs of Ukraine, and other international obligations of Ukraine are admitted to study on the basis of referrals from the Ministry of Education and Science in the manner prescribed by these agreements and programs.

Foreigners who have completed general secondary education in foreign schools with Ukrainian language studies, and foreign Ukrainians whose status is confirmed by a foreign Ukrainian certificate, can also study free of charge on the basis of quotas for foreign Ukrainians set by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Foreigners who permanently reside in Ukraine on legal grounds have the right to receive higher education on equal terms with citizens of Ukraine.


The quality assurance system of higher education in the field of finance in Ukraine consists of:

  • systems of providing higher education institutions with the quality of educational activities and the quality of education (internal quality assurance system);
  • systems of external quality assurance of educational activities of higher educational institutions and quality of higher education;
  • quality assurance systems of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and independent institutions for evaluation and quality assurance of higher education.

More detailed information on the national system of higher education can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


To ensure the proper functioning of the “doctor” in Ukraine as a profession, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine represented by the relevant ministries, namely the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the national registration authority represented by the Verkhovna Rada lawyers of Ukraine, unions and independent self-governing organizations, whose main activity is to assist doctors in carrying out their professional tasks. In addition to the general, specialized laws regulate the profession, where the regulatory bodies are also the Ukrainian Medical Council, regional associations and associations of specialists.

Registration in the USLC is a procedure according to which a person who has successfully completed the educational program and mastered the key criteria for mastering the profession, has the right to apply to the registration authority for official registration of their professional status in Ukraine.

The USLC, as a registration body, conducts a relevant inspection of the documents submitted by a person for their compliance with current legislation and establishes a fact that has legal significance, namely, provides REGISTRATION OF PROFESSIONAL STATUS.


As of 2016, there was no single registration body in Ukraine that would provide a proper service on the confirmation of professional competence in the relevant professional field, registration of proper legal registration of relevant rights and reflection of the disciplinary status of the person to be decided.


Performance of functions of the registration body is provided by formation of the uniform structured base (Register) on a professional direction for the purpose of establishment of a universal way of confirmation of the declared information during employment, training, internship, etc.

The data of the register reflect information about the candidate, information about the acquired qualification, level of speech competence, registered right of professional activity in Ukraine, as well as other important information. The path of a person who has expressed a desire to become a doctor is quite difficult and consists of a number of steps. Consider in more detail.

Step 1

Completion of school or college. Students can receive a full general secondary education in secondary and specialized schools, boarding schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges and other general educational institutions with a third level of education. Complete general secondary education can also be provided by vocational and higher educational institutions of I-II levels of accreditation. Persons who have passed the state final attestation are issued a certificate of complete general secondary education. Graduates who have high academic achievements are awarded a gold medal – “For high academic achievements” or a silver – “For academic achievements” and receive a certificate of complete general secondary education with honors. Along with the certificate, an appendix to it is issued, which indicates the achievements of students in learning in points. 11th grade graduates who are not certified in at least one subject are issued a report card, in which such subjects are recorded “not certified (for)”. After graduation, graduates write an External Independent Assessment (a written exam in the form of testing in one or more of their chosen subjects required for admission to a higher education institution) in the subjects required for admission to a higher education institution. Subjects vary by the university itself, according to the requirements for admission.

Registration and preparation of external evaluation. Ensuring external independent evaluation is carried out by the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment – in cooperation with local education authorities, regional institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education and educational institutions. A person who has completed or completed general secondary education in the current academic year and has registered in accordance with the established requirements may take part in the external assessment. To successfully register for an external independent evaluation, you must create and issue a registration card, create a set of registration documents and submit it to the person responsible for registration in the educational institution (for school leavers, students of vocational schools and colleges who are graduating this year complete general secondary education) or send it to the relevant regional center for quality assessment of education (for graduates of previous years). The set of registration documents must contain:

  • issued registration card, the form of which is formed using a special service “Register”;
  • application for participation in an additional session;
  • a certified copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
  • a certified copy of the document on complete general secondary education (for graduates of previous years).

If necessary, other documents (medical opinion on the creation of special conditions for passing the external evaluation, a copy of the document on the change of name / surname, a copy of a notarized translation into Ukrainian of documents provided in a foreign language for registration).

The registration card must be generated using a special service “Register”. To enter the law faculties of higher educational institutions, it is necessary to pass an external examination in such subjects as Ukrainian language and literature, biology or chemistry, physics or mathematics (the third competitive subject). For more information on conducting an external independent evaluation, see the link.

The minimum values of the number of points from the entrance examinations for admission on the basis of complete general secondary education for the specialties “Dentistry”, “Medicine” and “Pediatrics” may not be less than 150 points in the second and third competitive subjects.

Competitive score for admission on the basis of complete general secondary education for a master’s degree in “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” can not be less than 130 points.

Getting results. The result of the EIT is reflected in the certificate of the established sample, which provides information about the completed items and points obtained. External evaluation results are credited as entrance exams to a higher education institution. The average score of the document on complete general secondary education is also taken into account during the competitive selection to the university.

Step 2

Principles of entry. The admission campaign to higher education institutions in Ukraine begins each year in June with an external independent evaluation of school graduates. Admission is based on available rating points, which are defined as the sum of points obtained by tests of external independent assessment, the average score of the certificate and additional points for outstanding academic achievements (winners of All-Ukrainian Olympiads, competitions of the Small Academy of Sciences, international competitions, etc.). Ukrainian entrants have the right to apply for admission to higher education institutions in paper or electronic form. Acceptance of documents from applicants usually continues during July.

Collection and submission of documents. After the person has decided on the educational institution, it is necessary to submit a package of documents for obtaining the appropriate educational and qualification level, namely:

  • Statement of the established sample (in paper form).
  • The document of the state sample on full general secondary education (the document on the received educational and qualification level) and the appendix to it
  • EIT certificate, with scores on subjects required by the university for admission
  • Six color photos measuring 3×4 cm
  • Document certifying the identity and citizenship of the entrant + copies of 1, 2 and pages with a residence permit
  • Copy of identification code
  • Military card (or certificate of enrollment in the conscription station) for male entrants
  • Documents entitling to benefits
  • Preparation of entrance examinations

Enrollment. Admission of entrants to study at the expense of the state budget and at the expense of individuals takes place in the first half of August. The conditions of admission to higher education institutions approved by the Ministry of Education and Science can be viewed at the following link.

Step 3

Training and compilation of SINGLE STATE QUALIFICATION EXAM.

The only state qualification exam is a comprehensive certification of specialized knowledge of medical students. Ukrainian students passed such an exam for the first time in 2019. SSQE is the only state qualification exam for higher education graduates with a master’s degree in the field of knowledge “22 Health Care”. The stages of the EDC and the components of each stage are defined by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 28, 2018 № 334 “On approval of the Procedure for a single state qualifying examination for higher education masters” 22 Health Care.

In developed countries, the state conducts an exam to test the knowledge of students studying in medical institutions of higher education. Ukraine also has the following exam for medical students: KROK-1, passing in the 3rd year, and KROK-2 in the final year. This exam is conducted and administered by the Testing Center at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Since 2019, a comprehensive certification of student knowledge – the only state qualification exam (EDKI) was introduced.

The development of medical education is important for the reform of the medical sphere: the quality of medical services for patients in the future depends on the quality of medical education.

EDKI, according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers №334, takes place in two stages: the first stage – in the third year, the second – depending on the specialty – in the fifth (dentistry, pharmacy) or sixth year (medicine, medical psychology, pediatrics).

The first stage consists of the following components:


This is the usual exam in the disciplines of the general training cycle. STEP 1 will be taken by students majoring in “Dentistry”, “Medicine”, “Medical Psychology”, “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”, “Pediatrics”.

Professional English exam

This is the second component of EDKI, which tests the student’s ability to master literature in English. After all, English is the most widely used language in medical science, so the student must have a basic level of English to gain relevant knowledge. The exam will be held in the format of a test in one day together with STEP-1. However, this exam is a separate component for which the student receives a separate result. The exam in a foreign language of professional orientation will consist of specialties: “Dentistry”, “Medicine”, “Medical Psychology”, “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”, “Pediatrics”.

The second stage of EDC includes the following components:


This is an exam in professional-oriented disciplines for students of “Dentistry” and “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” in the 5th year and “Medicine”, “Medical Psychology”, “Pediatrics” in the 6th year.

Objective structured practical (clinical) exam (OSP (K) I)

This component tests not only the student’s practical skills acquired during training (the ability to perform medical manipulations and communicate with patients), but also the psychological readiness of the future doctor to help people, applying the acquired theoretical knowledge. The exam takes place in the format of a quest, during which it will be necessary to pass several points – stations, where various situations will be simulated. Students will consistently move from station to station, performing manipulations and interacting with real or standardized patients. Such an exam will be conducted directly by higher education institutions, but the Ministry of Health will develop detailed instructions on how to evaluate the results and the general procedure for conducting it. Students of Dentistry will take OSP (K) I in the 5th year, and specialties “Medicine” and “Pediatrics” in the 6th year.

Specialty I Stage (3rd year) Second Stage (5th year) Second Stage (6th year)

Dentistry STEP 1English STEP 2OSP (K) I

Medicine STEP 1English STEP 2OSP (K) I

Medical psychology STEP 1English STEP 2

Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy STEP 1English STEP 2

Pediatrics STEP 1English STEP 2OSP (K) I

Each of the components of EDKI can be retaken once, if the student did not score the minimum passing score during the previous exam. If a student does not re-constitute one of the components of EDKI, he will be expelled in accordance with Article 46 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”.

Step 4. Obtaining a diploma.

A person who has successfully completed the relevant educational program and passed the certification is issued a document on higher medical education at the appropriate levels. An integral part of the bachelor’s and master’s degree is the appendix to the European diploma, which contains structured information about the completed studies.

Step 5. Certification of junior specialists with medical education.

Certification of junior specialists with medical education is carried out in order to improve their skills, professional level, it is aimed at improving and enhancing the quality of medical care. The right to certification have:

  •  junior specialists with medical education of all specialties who have received the educational qualification level “junior specialist” or “bachelor” in higher educational institutions of I-IV levels of accreditation;
  •  persons who have not completed higher education and are duly admitted to medical activities in the positions they hold;
  •  Persons who do not have the appropriate education, but are admitted by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to work as junior specialists with medical education (secondary medical workers). Such persons are certified in the specialties to which these positions are assigned.

There are two types of certification of junior specialists with medical education:

  •  – certification for the assignment of a qualification category;
  •  – certification to confirm the qualification category.

The qualification of junior specialists with medical education is determined by the attestation commission in three qualification categories: second, first, higher.

The first qualification category. Awarded (confirmed) to junior specialists with medical education with experience in this specialty for at least five years, who have the necessary practical experience, good theoretical and practical training, have passed relevant refresher courses, have knowledge of related disciplines, honestly perform their duties and take an active part in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The second qualification category. Assigned (confirmed) to junior specialists with medical education with experience in this specialty for at least seven years, who have high theoretical, practical and professional training, have passed relevant refresher courses, have knowledge of related disciplines, honestly perform their duties, take active participation in the use and implementation of new methods of diagnosis and treatment, in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The highest qualification category. Assigned (confirmed) to junior specialists with medical education with experience in this specialty for at least ten years, who are highly professional, have excellent theoretical and practical training, have knowledge of related disciplines, have advanced office equipment, computer, actively use and introduce new advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment, have passed the relevant training courses, faithfully perform their duties and are mentors of young professionals, advocates of a healthy lifestyle.

Certification of junior specialists with medical education is carried out once every five years.

Step 6.

Registration in USLC. The person fills in the application for registration of the established sample and the questionnaire. After that, the HCJ provides a list of documents that need to be scanned. The application is processed by specialists within 10 working days, as a result the conformity and authenticity of the submitted documents is established by the Department of Registers, which provides support in order to include the person in the relevant Register in the relevant professional field.

Inclusion in the register and creation of an office. Confirmation of the doctor’s registration is the document of the Registration Authority Certificate. The next step is to include a person in the Register and create an electronic office of a professional, with the provided access keys. The result of the inclusion of a doctor in the ERDPS is a document: Certificate of Registration Professional Status.

Step 7.

Primary specialization.

Specialization (internship) is a mandatory form of postgraduate training of graduates of all faculties of medical and pharmaceutical universities, after which they are awarded the qualification of a doctor (pharmacist) – a specialist in a particular specialty. The main task of the internship is to increase the level of practical training of graduates of medical (pharmaceutical) universities, their professional readiness for independent medical (pharmacy) activities. The duration of internship is 1-3 years, depending on the specialty.

Enrollment in an internship.

The internship includes graduates of medical and pharmaceutical higher education institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation of medical faculties of universities after passing state exams and qualifying a doctor (pharmacist) and obtaining a diploma in a certain medical (pharmacist) specialty. Enrollment is carried out for the positions of doctors (pharmacists) – interns. The order on enrollment in the internship indicates the specialty of the internship, the educational institution where the full-time part of the training will be conducted and the basic institution or institution (enterprise) where the internship will be conducted. The basis for enrollment in the internship is a diploma of a doctor (pharmacist) in a particular medical (pharmacist) specialty, a certificate of referral to work by personal distribution or a certificate of the right to self-employment. Graduates of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation of medical faculties of universities, who are sent to work in other ministries and departments, are enrolled in internships by orders of these ministries and departments after coordination with the Main Department of Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in which higher education institutions and on what conditions the full-time part of training and internship will take place.


 Step 8.

Passing the exam STEP 3.

The “Step 3” exam assesses the compliance of the level of professional competence of qualified specialists with higher education (at the stage of graduation).

According to the current regulations, this exam is a mandatory component of the certification of interns.

The result of the licensing exam is presented in qualitative and quantitative forms.

The qualitative result of the licensing exam, presented as “Passed” / “Did not pass”, is based on the requirements of higher education standards for the professional competence of the specialist.

The quantitative result of the licensing exam is presented in a multi-point scale of the licensing exam (MLI score) with an average score of 200 and a standard deviation of 20, vary in the range from 140 to 260 points. Upon successful completion of the intern’s license exam, a certificate is issued. Registration and issuance of certificates is carried out within 30 days from the date of publication of the exam results. In case of failure to pass the license exam, the intern is allowed to the next stages of certification.

The certificate is entered in the register of certificates of specialists with higher education and is an appendix to the document on obtaining higher education of the appropriate educational level of certain areas of training. Certificates are issued to an authorized representative of the university, which is recorded in the relevant journal.

Step 9. Clinical residency

Clinical residency is the highest form of advanced training of doctors-specialists in a certain specialty in higher medical educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation, postgraduate education institutions and clinical research institutes, centers (hereinafter – scientific institutions). Clinical residency provides a doctor of higher qualification on the basis of previously acquired education in a higher medical educational institution of III-IV levels of accreditation and postgraduate education institutions and the gained experience of practical work as a specialist in a certain specialty.

Citizens of Ukraine who have the educational and qualification level of a specialist doctor and practical experience of at least three years in the specialty after completing an internship or specialization, whose medical specialty must correspond to the specialty of clinical residency, are admitted to the clinical residency by competition. The competition is also open to doctors without the necessary practical experience, who have successfully completed an internship and are recommended by the Academic Council of a higher education institution, postgraduate education institution to study in a clinical residency.

Foreign citizens can, with the permission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, be admitted to a clinical residency immediately after graduating from higher education and obtaining the qualification of a specialist “doctor”. Doctors wishing to enter a residency submit an application to the rector (director) of the relevant higher education institution (scientific institution), to which they add:

  • personally filled in the personnel record sheet;
  • a copy of the diploma of higher medical education and qualification of a specialist “doctor”;
  • a copy of the certificate of qualification of a specialist in a particular medical specialty;
  • extract from the employment record book;
  • list of published scientific works and inventions and innovation proposals (if available);
  • extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of a higher education institution or postgraduate education institution with a recommendation of an intern to study in a clinical residency (for persons entering the clinical residency without the necessary experience of a doctor in the specialty).

Step 10. Master’s degree.

The training of masters of medicine (pharmacy) is carried out simultaneously with the training of specialists in a particular medical (pharmaceutical) specialty in internship and aims to deepen the special, scientific-practical, pedagogical and research training of a specialist in the same medical (pharmaceutical) specialty.

Citizens of Ukraine who have the qualification of a specialist, the recommendation of the Academic Council of a higher educational institution for scientific work and are enrolled in positions of doctors (pharmacists)  -intern in basic institutions of health care for internship are admitted to the master’s program on a competitive basis. Master’s studies are conducted at the same department of higher education, where the intern undergoes a full-time part of the internship. The duration of master’s studies is determined by the terms of internship and is set for a period of 1.5 to 3 years depending on the specialty in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “On approval of the List of specialties and terms of internship for graduates of medical and pharmaceutical universities educational institutions”. For doctors (pharmacists) -interns who are simultaneously studying for a master’s degree, the duration of full-time internship at the departments of higher education is extended by 3 months due to a corresponding reduction in the duration of internships in basic institutions and health care facilities.

Persons admitted to the master’s program submit the following documents to the university:

  • statement;
  • personnel record card;
  • copy of diploma of higher medical (pharmaceutical) education;
  • extract from the employment record book with a record of employment in the basic institution  of health care for the position of a doctor (pharmacist) – intern;
  • recommendation of the academic council of the higher educational institution to study for a master’s degree;
  • a copy of the passport and a copy of the identification code;
  • list of published scientific works and inventions (if available).

Each entrant passes an interview and passes the entrance exams for the master’s degree and in a foreign language (English, German, French) in the scope of existing programs for higher education institutions. Interviews and entrance exams are held from 1 to 10 September. In the case of equal distribution of competitive points, persons who have a diploma of higher education with honors, have a preemptive right to enroll. Entrants are enrolled from October 10 by order of the rector of the higher educational institution after receiving the lists of persons approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for enrollment in the master’s program. After enrollment in the master’s program for 1 month to the master doctor, the Academic Council approves the head, the individual work plan and the topic of the master’s work. After graduation, master’s doctors and pharmacists-masters at the academic council of faculties defend their master’s thesis and then receive a diploma of doctor (pharmacist) -intern educational qualification level “Master of Medicine (Pharmacy)”.

 Step 11. Postgraduate study

The main form of preparation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education is postgraduate (postgraduate). Persons who have obtained a master’s degree are admitted to postgraduate studies on a competitive basis. Persons who have submitted all the documents necessary for admission in time in accordance with the rules of admission to a higher education institution (scientific institution) are admitted to the entrance examinations. The Admissions Committee may deny a person admission to the entrance examinations for postgraduate studies only in connection with the failure to submit the documents specified in the rules of admission.

Entrance examinations for postgraduate (adjunct) of a higher education institution (scientific institution) consist of:

– entrance exam in the specialty (in the scope of the program of higher education master’s degree in the relevant specialty);

– entrance exam in a foreign language.

The scientific component of the educational and scientific program involves conducting their own research under the guidance of one or two supervisors and registration of its results in the form of a dissertation.

 Step 12. Doctoral studies

In order to complete the work on scientific research and formalize their results and / or to prepare publications for defense for the degree of Doctor of Sciences, a person has the right to enter the doctoral program of a higher education institution (scientific institution).

During the period of doctoral studies, the doctoral student must submit to the permanent specialized scientific council the results of his scientific achievements in the form of a dissertation or published monograph, or scientific report on a set of articles published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional journals.

The candidate of the degree of Doctor of Sciences in the dissertation (monograph, scientific report on a set of articles) must present a summary of independently conducted original research with scientific results that provide solutions to important theoretical or applied problems of national or global importance.

Doctoral students are persons who have a doctorate, scientific achievements and published works in the chosen specialty (including publications in international peer-reviewed journals, indexed in scientometric databases, according to the requirements for the level of scientific qualification of persons obtaining scientific degrees) and who have scientific results that need to be completed or formalized in the form of a dissertation, monograph or scientific report on a set of articles.

Step 13.

Access to a specialized profession

Step 14.

Continuous professional development

The system of continuous professional development (CPD) for doctors is a modern approach to professional development of a doctor. Instead of formal training, doctors will constantly develop their competencies.

Starting from January 1, 2020, each doctor must score at least 50 BPD points during the year. Points are awarded for various types of training, which the doctor freely chooses on the basis of the list of activities proposed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. In general, the number of points is not limited, but the annual required minimum is exactly 50 points. For doctors who significantly exceed the quantitative and qualitative requirements for BPD, there is a possibility of extraordinary receipt of the highest category.

Every year, the doctor records his / her education in the educational portfolio and certifies it with the head of his / her institution. Points in the portfolio are accounted for in accordance with Annex 5 to the Procedure for attestation of doctors. The form of the educational portfolio is appendix 2 of the same Order.

The list of BPD measures includes:

  • scientific and practical conferences, congresses, symposia;
  • distance online courses;
  • training in simulation trainings, thematic training or seminars;
  • cycles of thematic improvement at faculties and institutions of postgraduate education lasting 1-2 weeks;
  • study or internship at a university or health care institution – in Ukraine or abroad;
  • publication of an article or review in a journal with an impact factor.
  • From 2021, every year the doctor must send his portfolio to the certification commission by March 1 to check the scores. If the data on the course of BPD is falsified, the doctor will be denied in certification.

Confirmation of the category takes place every 5 years, certification for the qualification category can be passed more often.


The conditions of access to the profession are determined by the provisions of the national legislation of each state. In order to carry out a doctor’s practice abroad, it is necessary to confirm the obtained educational qualification and ensure compliance with the additional requirements of the selected country.

Labor or educational immigration is accompanied by the need to ensure compliance, for example, with the requirement of recognition of education received abroad, passing a qualifying examination or having professional experience. The result that indicates access to a regulated profession is obtaining a permit – a certificate confirming the right of a person to conduct professional activities or a license to engage in practical activities. There is a general process of access to the regulated profession, which aims to obtain such a document.

Preparatory stage.

Each country has a Registration Authority that issues permits, ensures that candidates’ qualifications meet educational and professional standards, and coordinates qualification and state exams. The first step to obtaining a permit to carry out a professional activity is to select a person of the country, to get acquainted with the requirements for the regulated profession and to determine the Registration Authority regulating its activity.

When applying to the Registration Authority, a person fills in and submits an application form for obtaining a permit to carry out professional activities. After that, the candidate will be provided with a list of documents required for submission to obtain a permit to carry out professional activities. The first point will be the provision of recognized educational documents obtained abroad.

Verification. Recognition of education.

The process of verifying educational documents is an important step in gaining access to a regulated profession. The procedure is carried out by the Verification Organizations or their authorized structural subdivisions. Paying attention to the fact that each country has its own Verification Organizations, we suggest you read their list at the link ENIC-NARIC.

Verification, as a procedure, includes verification of such documents as diplomas, documents on postgraduate education, certificates of advanced training. In addition, information on the experience gained and other documents related to professional activities are checked.

In order to carry out the procedure, the Verification Organization needs certificates and documents containing information on the content and duration of education within which the foreign educational qualification was obtained. List of documents required for submission to the Verification Organization:

  • application for recognition of educational documents;
  • document on education (with an apostille stamp and translation into the state language of the country, notarized copies);
  • appendix to the document on education (with an apostille stamp and translation into the state language of the country, notarized copies);
  • other documents confirming the professional experience of the specialist;
  • identity document.

A person can submit documents by sending the originals by mail, or ordering such a service online. For online verification, documents (scanned copies of originals) can be uploaded to a private electronic profile. After downloading, the candidate is sent an invoice to pay for the service or, in the case of mailing, the documents are sent together with confirmation of payment.

Recognition of education received abroad is a confirmation by the Verification Organization of the quality of foreign educational qualifications. The process aims to determine the equivalence of educational programs by establishing the authenticity of documents, confirming the status of the educational institution, educational program.

To comprehensively verify and establish equivalence, a foreign verification organization makes a request to the National Information Center for Academic Mobility of Ukraine to determine the fact of education, status and level of accreditation of an educational institution, generalized average score, comparison of curricula, etc. As a result, the Verification Organization issues a conclusion recognizing foreign education as equivalent to the country’s educational standards. In case of non-compliance of certain items, the document confirms the information about the differences of educational programs, which should be compensated by additional training or courses.

Confirmation of speech competence.

After successfully obtaining the conclusion of the Verification Organization on the recognition of education and establishing its equivalence, the conclusion of which is transmitted to the Registration Authority, the next step is to confirm knowledge of a foreign language of a certain level. The list of language exams, their structure, cost, dates and the possibility of preparing for them can be found at the link.

It should be noted that the Registration Authorities have set certain requirements, such as a minimum passing score. In addition, the results of some international language exams are valid for a limited time.

Passing the qualifying exam.

The qualifying examination aims to test the professional competencies of the candidate required for practical skills. Such an examination is intended to assess the level of preparation of the candidate for his professional activity.

In addition, other requirements of the Registration Authority may include: a test of knowledge of the laws of the country, practical experience for a certain period, a certain number of hours worked, a license to operate in the country of origin of the candidate, and so on.

Access to the profession.

The result of confirmation of successful fulfillment of the necessary requirements of the Registration Body is the issuance of a permit for professional activity. This stage is accompanied by finding an employer and obtaining a visa or work permit.

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