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Language Competence

Under the Ukraine Supreme Legal Council, there is a UNIFIED CENTER FOR LANGUAGE TESTING (hereinafter – UCLT), the main purpose of which is to ensure the improvement of educational quality standards through the introduction and standardization of international testing in Ukraine.


The mission of the UCLT is the development of society and the country through education, namely: expanding the range of knowledge and capabilities of each representative of society by conducting attestations at different levels, conducting various types of tests, checking language competence to form leadership and solve global problems of the changing world.

UCLT realizes its mission by achieving the following strategic goals:

  • Providing a wide range of tests and examinations that can be taken on the territory of Ukraine, in proper conditions, corresponding to the standards of the best language centers in the USA, Britain, and Europe
  • Establishing UCLT as a leading, competitive, modern national educational center of international level
  • Personal development and professional growth of participants in the educational process, the formation of competencies that determine the competitiveness of students in the labor market in Ukraine and the world
  • Development of the creative potential of educational and pedagogical workers of the Center
  • Increasing the international authority of the UCLT, ensuring compliance of educational services with international quality standards
  • Development of an effective system of testing and verification of language knowledge in various fields of activity, modernization of testing in accordance with changes in the national system of advanced training, and the context of integration into the world space
  • Introduction of the latest information technologies and software into all areas of UCLT activity, integration of UCLT into the domestic and world information space.

Tests that can be taken on the base of UCLT:

THE UNIFIED CENTER FOR LANGUAGE TESTING under the UKRAINE SUPREME LEGAL COUNCIL announces the possibility of taking and preparing for some of international exams, such as:

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