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The Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT) is essentially an aptitude test which shows universities if you’re suitable to study law. LNAT was therefore developed to help university admissions tutors learn more about individual candidates and their aptitude for studying their programmes. It does this by assessing a candidate’s intellectual abilities, rather than their knowledge of particular subjects including law, measuring their abilities in critical reasoning, comprehension and command of written English. Students are eligible to sit for the LNAT if they are preparing to start their undergraduate education and interested in applying to the select list of universities which are part of LNAT.

LNAT is operated by LNAT Consortium Ltd working in partnership with Pearson VUE and with the collaboration of Edexcel.
What is it for?
Law requires excellent critical reasoning skills which cannot be easily measured by a standard exam or coursework, thus, LNAT is used alongside standard methods of selection of candidates for giving a more accurate and rounded impression of the their abilities.

Test format
The LNAT is a two-part test lasting two hours and fifteen minutes. The first part is made up of 42 multiple-choice questions lasting 95 minutes; the second involves essay-type questions and lasts 40 minutes. The first part is a computer-based multiple choice exam. Test-taker will be asked to read passages of text and answer questions that test your comprehension of them. Individual’s scores from the multiple choice section of the test are checked by computer, and a mark out of 42 is created and this is known as your LNAT score. In the second part of the test candidate will be asked to write one essay from a list of three proposed subjects. This section is not marked by the test centre and does not contribute to your LNAT score, but it is an opportunity to show ability to construct a compelling argument and reach a conclusion (these papers are not evaluated by the service provider, but sent to the law schools to which the student has applied).
Additional facts about LNAT
  • a test of verbal reasoning skills
  • a test of ability to understand and interpret information
  • a test of inductive and diductive reasoning abilities
  • a test of ability to analyze information and draw conclusions.
Paying for LNAT
Test fees are determined by the test centre location, not on place of residence or nationality. The costs for candidates for the 2020-21 LNAT are: 50 GBP – at UK/EU test centres, 70 GBP – at test centres outside the EU. The test fee is payable online, at the time of booking a test, by major credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, JCB) or Visa and MasterCard debit cards only as long as they do not require a pin number validation.
Starting on 21 October, the first batch of LNAT scores (tests taken between 1 September to 20 October) are released to the universities to download. After that date, within 24 hours of finishing your LNAT, Pearson VUE will make your LNAT score and essay available for download by your chosen university or universities. They will see your score before you do. Each university’s admissions tutors will then refer to the candidate’s score as part of their application. The candidate’s LNAT score and the essays will be used by each university in the way that best suits its own admissions system. LNAT results are emailed to candidates twice a year, with test dates determining the results date. LNAT results cannot be carried forward from one academic year to the next

Register for LNAT

The LNAT testing system is managed by Pearson VUE. Before sitting the LNAT, you must complete the two step registration process using the Pearson VUE online registration system.

To order the service

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Fill out the form, indicating your profession in English.
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