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In addition to the fact that passing verification opens access to regulated professions, it has another important meaning in today’s world.

In the conditions of rapid development of global sectors of the economy, global companies, organizations and institutions have identified the issue of selecting competent personnel with appropriate professional skills, experience and moral and ethical values ​​as a guarantee of competitiveness, successful functioning and development. By verifying a person’s documents, we help:

Prevent financial losses
Protect reputation
Reduce internal risks


Contact a specialist of the Department of Registers
Fill out the questionnaire
3 step
Provide copies and originals of documents specified by the specialist
4 step
Pay for the service
5 step
Wait for the verification procedure to complete. The process takes 10 working days
6 step
Upon successful verification, receive a certificate confirming registration in the Unified Register "Registration Authority Certificate"
7 step
Additionally, receive a certificate of professional status registration "Certificate of Registration Professional Status" and an access key to the professional's electronic account

The key purpose of the Department's functioning is to promote the increase of access of employers, state authorities, foreign partners, other legal entities and individuals to information about the professional, educational, and language competence of the candidates undergoing verification.

The Department is responsible for registering persons, entering and controlling data stored in: the Language and Pro Competence Register (LPcR), the Professional Status Register (PSR), the Academic Mobility Register (AMR).

The department informs the applicant about the progress of the verification process and about the decision to enter personal data into the database of the Unified Registers

+38 093 874 68 38
+38 095 102 92 41

The main purpose of the Department's functioning is to ensure the authenticity of the documents provided by the person and other information stored and displayed in the database of the Unified Registers.

The Department carries out a comprehensive verification of the authenticity of professional licenses; documents about the acquired education; documents confirming speech, professional competence, academic mobility, integrity; as well as other documents confirming the professional competence, skills, experience and characteristics of the person.

Specialists of the Department provide the necessary recommendations when errors or inconsistencies are detected in the text of documents included in the verification process

+38 093 874 68 38
+38 095 102 92 41

The main purpose of the Department's functioning is to comprehensively ensure the further development of specialists, including taking of the international exams and tests.

+38 093 874 68 38
+38 095 102 92 41


To order the service

Реєстрація на іспит


Fill out the form, indicating your profession in English.
After entering the data, select “Send”