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Access to Profession

The system of professional qualifications in Ukraine provides the regulation of certain activities that protects interests and guarantees security of the public. The aim is to create a system, that functions and evolves in accordance with the needs of socio-economic development and the labor market. So, there are regulated and non-regulated professions (occupations).

Regulated occupations – an occupation controlled by law, and governed by a regulatory body. About 20 per cent of jobs are in regulated occupations. These include regulated professions (e.g., nursing) and skilled trades (e.g., plumbing). The law requires you to obtain a certificate, license, or registration to use the reserved title for the occupation or obtain the exclusive right to practice the occupation. These regulations are intended to protect the health and safety of Ukrainians by ensuring that professionals meet the required standards of practice and competency.

The government regulates occupations that affect a large number of people directly, such as those in healthcare, engineering, law, finance, and education. In a regulated profession, you need to be registered at USLC and to receive a license or certificate from the regulatory body that governs that occupation to be employed in that field.

USLC is national regiatration authority that controls and provides access to the profession. USLC registration and professional education are required for a lawyer, judge, architect, financier, economist, journalist, oilman, translator, teacher, and others.

Non-regulated professions do not need a license or certification and can still be a rewarding and worthwhile experience. There are often voluntary certifications that can increase your career success.


STEP №1.

A complete secondary education may be acquired in general and specialized secondary schools, boarding schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, and other institutions of general secondary education of the ІІІ grade. A complete secondary education may also be obtained in a vocational educational institution, or institution of higher learning of the I-II accreditation levels. Pupils who have finished the 11th year of study and passed the final state examinations receive a certificate of complete general secondary education and supplement to it specifying the scores earned for educational achievements.

Graduates who have high academic results are awarded the gold medal “For High Academic Achievements” or the silver medal “For Academic Achievements” and receive а certificate of complete general secondary education with distinction. This certificate comes with a supplement specifying the scores earned for educational achievements. Graduates of the 11th grade who fail the examination in at least one subject receive school report cards in which the mark of “failed” is placed against each such subject.

Approaches to knowledge assessment in the system of general secondary education of Ukraine are based on the Criteria for Assessing Knowledge of Pupils in the System of General Secondary Education approved by Order No 329 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, dated April 13, 2011. Since 2000, Ukrainian schools have been measuring the knowledge of their pupils on a 12-point scale introduced by Order No 428/48 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, dated September 4, 2000 and titled “On the Introduction of a 12-point Scale for Assessing Academic Achievements of Students in the System of General Secondary Education”.

School graduates with a complete general secondary education have the right to apply for enrollment in any institution of higher learning. Find more about ukrainian national system of education visiting link.


STEP №2.

Secondary school graduates are required to pass the independent external knowledge assessment test in the subjects required for the enrollment in a chosen institution of higher learning. This higher educational institution may change the list of such subjects following its enrollment requirements.

INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT TEST is provided by Ukrainian Center of Independent External Knowledge Assessment  in cooperation with local education authorities, regional institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education , and educational institutions. A person who has completed or will have completed general secondary education in the current academic year and has registered in accordance with the established requirements may take part in the external knowledge assessment test. To register for the session, candidate needs to correctly choose the category, create and fill out a registration card, the form of which is formed using a special service “Register”, posted on the website of the Center of Independent External Knowledge Assessment. Candidate needs to submit it to the person responsible for registration in the educational institution (for school graduates, students of vocational schools and colleges who are completing general secondary education this year) or send it to the  relevant regional center for assessment of education  (for graduates of previous years). The set of registration documents must include:

  • issued registration card, the form of which is formed using a special service “Register”;
  • application for participation in an additional session;
  • a certified copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
  • a certified copy of the document on complete general secondary education (for graduates of previous years) .
  • if necessary, other documents ( medical conclusion about creating special conditions to undergo testing , a copy of the change of name / surname , copy of notarized translation into Ukrainian documents , submitted for registration in a foreign language).

egistration card has to be formed using a special service “Register”. This list of subjects may change following specific requirements of specialities. Find more about independents knowledge asessment test isiting a link.

Сертифікати ЗНО яких років приймаються в 2020 році? | ZNO.org.ua

Results. The result of the Independent External Knowledge Assessment is shown in the standard-issue certificate, which provides information about the scores obtained for chosen subjects. Results are credited as admission tests to a higher education institution. The average score of the certificate of Secondary Education is also taken into account during the admission to the university.

*Example of certificate


The admission campaign to higher education institutions in Ukraine begins each year in June with an external independent evaluation of school graduates. Passing the Independent External Knowledge Assessment Test by citizens of Ukraine is a prerequisite for admission to Ukrainian higher education institutions. Admission is based on the available rating points, which are defined as the sum of points obtained by tests of Independent External Knowledge Assessmentt, the average score of the certificate and additional points for outstanding academic achievements (winners of all-Ukrainian competitions, competitions of the Small Academy of Sciences, international competitions, etc.). Ukrainian entrants have the right to apply for admission to higher education institutions in paper or electronic form. Acceptance of documents from applicants usually lasts during July.

Documents. After the person has decided on the educational institution, it is necessary to submit a package of documents for obtaining the appropriate educational and qualification level. The set of registration documents must include:

  • registration card
  • a certified copy of the document on complete general secondary education with supplement
  • Сertificate of Independent External Knowledge Assessment Test
  • Six photos in color (3×4 cm)
  • Document certifying the identity and citizenship of the candidate
  • Copy of the identification code
  • Military ID (for male)
  • Examinations

Enrollment of entrants for study at the expense of the state budget and at the expense of individuals takes place in the first half of August. The conditions of admission to higher education institutions approved by the Ministry of Education and Science can be viewed at the following link. For more information on conducting an external independent evaluation, see the link.


A person who has successfully completed the relevant educational program and passed the certification is issued a document of higher education at the appropriate levels. In addition, an integral part of the bachelor’s and master’s degree is a supplement to the European diploma, which contains structured information about the completed studies. After completing his studies at school, a person can become a trainee in private and public organizations, institutions.

Certification training. Additional courses and advanced training contribute to the development of professional skills. At the courses you can get a diploma or certificate of advanced training.


The qualifying examination is a certification of a person who has expressed a desire to obtain a regulated profession. The qualifying exam includes identification of the theoretical knowledge of a particular field, professional ethics of the person, as well as identification of the level of practical skills and specific abilities. The organization and conduction of the qualifying examination is carried out by the relevant qualification commission.

The procedure for qualifying examinations, the assessment methodology, and the program of qualifying examinations shall be approved by the Regulatory Board, which may establish the fee for taking the qualifying examination and for the procedure. The qualification and the disciplinary commission shall issue a certificate of passing the qualification examination to the person who has passed the qualifying examination within ten days from the day of passing.

The documents required for submission.

Simultaneously with the application for refistration, the Applicant provides:

1) a document of the state standard (original and notarized copy) and appendices to it, confirming the acquisition by the applicant of higher education, not lower than the master’s degree (specialist) – the second (master’s) level;

2) document (documents) confirming that the Applicant has at least two years of work experience in the specific field (original and notarized or certified copy at the place of work);

3) a certificate of the established form, which contains information on personal reference accounting of the unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the absence (presence) of a criminal record;

4) certificate of the medical institution on the state of health of the Applicant (medical certificate on passing of obligatory preliminary and periodic psychiatric examinations form № 122-2 / о, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 12 of 17.01.2002);

5) written and personally signed certificate confirming that in the last two years preceding the application, the applicant did not pass the qualifying examination for the right to practice in any regulated profession;

6) original and copy of the document, which confirms the registration of the applicant’s place of residence;

7) copy of the identification code.

STEP №6.

Obtained education gives a person the right to be recognized as a specialist in specific field, but only USLC registration provides access to profession. This is a procedure according to which a person who has successfully completed the educational program and mastered the key criteria has acquired the right to apply to the registration authority for recognition of professional status in Ukraine. USLC provides verification аnd authenticates documents submitted by a person for their compliance with current legislation and makes decision that has legal significance, provides REGISTRATION OF PROFESSIONAL STATUS.

Functions of the registration authority are realized through formation of the structured databases (Register) that are dedicated to specific professional field and contain confirmed information that is important for proccesses of employment, training, internship, etc. The data of the registers provide information about the candidate, obtained education level, acquired qualification, registered professional status in Ukraine, form of activity, and other important details.

The person fills in the application for registration and the questionnaire. After that, USLC provides a list of documents that need to be scanned and sent. The application is processed by specialists within 10 working days. As a result, Department of Registers confirms and authenticates submitted documents. It provides support in order to include the person in the Register with specific professional field.

Registration and personal profile. Confirmation of registration is a document Registration Authority Certificate. The next step is to include a person in the Register and creat personal profile of a professional with provided access keys.The result of inclusion in the ERDPS is a document: Certificate of Registration Professional Status.

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